Shattered Trident - Страница 96

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JMSDF: Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. The name of the Japanese Navy.

Kh-31P: Supersonic, radar-homing missile launched by aircraft. Originally built by Russia, China now produces them as the YJ-91.

LPD: Landing platform dock. A type of amphibious assault ship.

LPO: Leading petty officer

Mark 48 ADCAP: U.S. heavyweight, multipurpose torpedo with advanced capability. Launched by submarines.

MCIA: Marine Corps Intelligence Activity

MDM-6: Russian multiple influence (pressure, acoustic, and magnetic) bottom mine

MG-24: Russian submarine-deployed acoustic countermeasure

MG-84: Russian submarine-launched mobile decoy

MG-519: Russian mine-hunting sonar on many of their submarines, also known by the NATO nickname “Mouse Squeak”

MOX: Mixed oxide. A nuclear reactor fuel that uses both enriched uranium and weapons-grade plutonium.

MPA: Maritime patrol aircraft

NAE: Naval acoustic electromechanical. An older type of torpedo decoy that generates noise mechanically.

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NMJIC: National Military Joint Intelligence Center

NORAD: North American Aerospace Defense Command

NSC: National Security Council

OOD: Officer of the deck

OPREP-3: U.S. Navy message format used to inform a senior authority of an incident that is of national-level interest.

ONI: Office of Naval Intelligence

ONR: Office of Naval Research

OPLAN: Operations plan

OPS: Operations officer

PAC-2/PAC-3: Versions of the U.S. Patriot surface-to-air missile. While the PAC-2 has some ballistic missile defense capabilities, the PAC-3 was specifically designed for this role.

PACOM: Pacific Command

PACFLT: Pacific Fleet

PAL: Permissive Action Link

PCO: Prospective commanding officer

PLA: People’s Liberation Army. This can refer to all the Chinese armed forces, or just the ground force component of the armed forces.

PLAAF: People’s Liberation Army Air Force. The air component of the Chinese armed forces.

PLAN: People’s Liberation Army Navy. The naval component of the Chinese armed forces.

PRC: People’s Republic of China

RPM: Rotations per minute

ROE: Rules of engagement

ROK: Republic of Korea. South Korea’s official name.

SATCOM: Satellite communications

SINOPEC: China Petrochemical Corporation

SITREP: Situation report

SEAL: Sea, Air, Land. U.S. Navy Special Forces

Second Artillery Corps: A separate service within the People’s Liberation Army responsible for the ballistic missile forces, both nuclear and conventional

SECDEF: Secretary of defense

SECSTATE: Secretary of state

Sierra: A U.S. Navy designation indicating that a contact was detected and is being tracked by a sonar system

SIGINT: Signals Intelligence

Skat-3: Main sonar suite on Akula classes of SSNs. Also known by the NATO nickname “Shark Gill.”

SM-3: Standard missile 3, part of the U.S. Navy ballistic missile defense system.

SPY-1: This radar is used with the Aegis air-defense system. It uses four non-rotating “phased array” radar antennas, one on each side of the ship’s superstructure.

SSGN: U.S. Navy type designation for cruise missile carrying submarine with nuclear propulsion

SSN: U.S. Navy type designation for an attack submarine with nuclear propulsion.

SUBRON: Submarine squadron

SVP: Sound velocity profile. A graph showing the speed of sound in water as a function of depth. A sharp change indicates the presence of a thermocline.

SWAG: Scientific Wild Ass Guess

TB-33: A fully digital, fiberoptic long towed array.

TB-34: A fully digital, fiberoptic short towed array.

Thermocline: Also called a “layer,” it is a sharp change in water temperature that will reflect sound at certain angles

TSA: Transportation Security Administration

UGST: Universal deep-homing torpedo. A Russian heavyweight, multipurpose torpedo launched from submarines.

UN: United Nations

UAV: Unmanned air vehicle

UCMJ: Uniform Code of Military Justice

UUV: Unmanned underwater vehicle

VLCC: Very large crude carrier. A subset of supertankers.

VLSD: Vertical large screen display

VTC: Video teleconference

WLY-1: U.S. submarine acoustic intercept receiver. It detects and analyzes active sonar emissions.

XO: Executive officer, second in command of a warship

Y-8: Chinese maritime patrol aircraft

Yu-6: Chinese heavyweight, multipurpose torpedo. Launched by submarines, it is a copy of the U.S. Mark 48.

Yu-7: Chinese lightweight, anti-submarine torpedo. Launched from aircraft and surface ships, it is a copy of the U.S. Mark 46 torpedo.

YJ-83: Ying Ji (Eagle Strike) 83, a Chinese anti-ship cruise missile

1MC: General announcing circuit, shipwide public address system

3M-14E: A subsonic, land-attack cruise missile offered by Russia as part of the Klub system for export ships and submarines


USS North Dakota (SSN 784)

Commander Jerry Mitchell, Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Bernie Thigpen, Executive Officer

Department Heads

Lieutenant Commander Phillip Sobecki, Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Edward Rothwell, Navigator and Operations Officer

Lieutenant Steven Westbrook, Supply Officer (“the Chop”)

Lieutenant David Covey, Weapons Officer

Division Officers

Lieutenant Russell Iverson, Main Propulsion Assistant

Lieutenant Kiyoshi Iwahashi, Damage Control Assistant

Lieutenant Kurt Franklin, Communications Officer

Lieutenant (j.g.) Quela Lymburn (“Q”), Assistant Weapons Officer

Lieutenant (j.g.) Stuart Gaffney, Sonar Officer

Ensign Olivia Andrews (“Ollie”), Chem/RADCON Assistant

Ensign Jacqueline Kane (“Jacques”), Reactor Control Assistant

EMCM Marco Pompei, Chief of the Boat (“COB”)

ET1 Josh Fleming, ESM/SIGINT

STSC Halleck, Sonar Division CPO

STS1 Andersen, Sonar Operator

STS2 Gilden, Sonar Operator

CTI3 Gus Kalinsky, COMINT Linguist

American Characters

Gregory Alexander, Director of National Intelligence

Milt Alvarez, White House Chief of Staff

Rear Admiral Wayne Burroughs, COMSUBPAC

General Lewis Dewhurst, USAF, Chairman JCS

Commander Bruce Dobson, Commanding Officer, USS Oklahoma City (SSN 723)

Dr. Randall Foster, Director of the CIA

Malcolm Geisler, Secretary of Defense

Alison Gray, Deputy White House Chief of Staff

Rear Admiral Kyle Guthrie, Former Captain of USS Michigan (SSBN 727 Blue Crew)

Commander Warren Halsey, Commanding Officer, USS Santa Fe (SSN 763)

Senator Lowell Hardy (D-CT), Former Captain of USS Memphis (SSN 691)

Admiral Bernard Hughes, Chief of Naval Operations

Captain Glenn Jacobs, Chief Staff Officer, Submarine Squadron (SUBRON) 15

Dr. Raymond Kirkpatrick, National Security Advisor

Christine Laird, CNN Reporter

Andrew Lloyd, Secretary of State

Evangeline McDowell, President’s Secretary

Joyce McHenry, Secretary of Commerce

Kenneth L. Myles, President of the United States

General Jason Nagy, USMC, Vice Chairman JCS

Commander Scott Nevens, Commanding Officer, USS North Carolina (SSN 777)

Commander Ian Pascovich, Commanding Officer, USS Texas (SSN 775)

Dr. Joanna Patterson, Deputy National Security Advisor

James Randall, Vice President of the United States

Captain Tom Rudel, USN (Ret.), Former Captain of USS Seawolf (SSN 21)

Captain Charles Simonis, Commander, SUBRON 15

Commander Richard Walker, SUBRON 15 Operations Officer

Canadian Character

Hector Alexander McMurtrie, Blogger and Naval Historian

People’s Republic of China Characters

General Bao Bo, Commander Intelligence Service

Chen Dao, President, Chairman of the CMC, and General Secretary of the CCP

Senior Captain Deng Jinshan, PLAN Staff Officer

General Hu Kun, Commander of Second Artillery Corps

General Li Ju, Vice Chairman of the CMC

General Shi Peng, Political Department

General Su Yide, Chief of the General Staff

General Tian Gan, Vice Chairman of the CMC

General Wang Yaowen, Commander of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force

Admiral Wei Zi’en, Commander of the People’s Liberation Army Navy

General Wen Feng, Minister of National Defense

Colonel (later General) Xi Ping, Deputy Commander (later Commander) Intelligence Service

General Xiao Shen, Armament Department

Ambassador Yang Jinping, Chinese Ambassador to the United States

General Ye Jin, Logistics Department

Zhang Fei, Vice Chairman of the CMC, Secretariat of the Communist Party, and Vice President of PRC