Shattered Trident - Страница 97

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Vietnamese Characters

Commander Cao Van Ty, Intelligence Officer

Admiral Duan, Head of the Second Directorate (Intelligence Service)

Admiral Hieu, Chief of Staff of the Vietnamese People’s Navy

Commander Nimh, Komamura’s Escort

Admiral Phai, Head of the Political Directorate

Minister Vu Kim Binh, Foreign Minister

Japanese Characters

Minister Hisagi Shuhei, Japanese Representative to Littoral Alliance Working Group

Dr. Komamura Sajin, Economics professor at Tokyo University, Author of Navies for Asia

Admiral Kubo Noriaki, Chief of Staff of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force

Miyazaki Nodoka, Research Assistant

Commander Okubo Atsushi, Commanding officer of the Kongo-class guided-missile destroyer Atago

Vice Admiral Orihara Izaya, Military Representative to the Littoral Alliance Working Group

Minister Tadashi Hata, Japanese Foreign Minister

Ambassador Urahara Kisuke, Japanese Ambassador to the United States

Commander Zaraki Kenpachi, Commanding Officer of the Soryu-class submarine Kenryu

Korean Characters

Minister Han Ho-Jung, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea

Admiral Park Uchin, Korean Representative to the Littoral Alliance Working Group

Russian Character

Captain 1st Rank Alexsey Igorevich Petrov, Russian Navy (Ret.), Former Captain of the Russian submarine Severodvinsk

Taiwanese (Republic of China) Characters

Ambassador Kenneth Leong, Taiwanese Ambassador to the United States

Admiral Wu Chen, Commander of the Taiwanese Navy

Indian Characters

Lieutenant Commander Maahir Jain, First Officer of the submarine Chakra

Kanwal Nehru, Foreign Secretary

Lieutenant Rajat, Sonar Officer

Captain Girish Samant, Commanding Officer of the submarine Chakra


Chris Carlson and I are now an established writing team, but each book is unique, requiring different approaches and techniques to help us work together smoothly to craft each story. So writing the Jerry Mitchell series has been an evolving process, but one that’s been rewarding and enjoyable.

Simple communication is not enough. With numerous technical facts and interwoven plotlines, we had to be completely aware of what the other partner was doing, and intended to do next. So we talked a lot, shared story ideas, and were quick to express misgivings or problems with the draft text, regardless of who originally wrote it.

Working with another creative talent is good for me. I need someone to bounce ideas off, and to help me get moving again when I’m stuck. Chris is very good at that and many other things, and we each have complete faith in our joint commitment to making each story as believable and entertaining as possible.


Dangerous Ground

Cold Choices

Exit Plan


Larry Bond’s First Team

Larry Bond’s First Team: Angels of Wrath

Larry Bond’s First Team: Fires of War

Larry Bond’s First Team: Soul of the Assassin

Larry Bond’s Red Dragon Rising: Shadows of War

Larry Bond’s Red Dragon Rising: Edge of War

Larry Bond’s Red Dragon Rising: Shock of War


Larry Bond is the author of numerous New York Times bestselling thrillers, including Exit Plan, Cold Choices, Vortex, Cauldron, and The Enemy Within. He also worked with Jim DeFelice on the First Team series, as well as the Red Dragon Rising series. A former naval intelligence officer, warfare analyst, and antisubmarine technology expert, he makes his home in Springfield, Virginia.

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This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2013 by Larry Bond and Chris Carlson

All rights reserved.

Cover art by Peter Bollinger

Maps by Erik Carlson

A Forge Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010

Forge® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

ISBN 978-0-7653-3147-2 (hardcover)

ISBN 9781429943666 (e-book)

First Edition: May 2013